"Just personality, any .. internal conflicts I need to be made aware of.
 Beyond that, I've thoroughly researched Babylon 5's operational procedures,
 personnel records .. I'm pretty much up to speed on all the reports."
"With all due respect, there's a lot that doesn't fit into a report."
"Then the report is incomplete."
	-- Captain Lochley and Corwin in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"It's nothing personal, but I need to send a message to Babylon 5. That's
 what you Rangers are for, right? Getting messages from one place to another.
 So you're the right person in the right place at the right time.
 For me anyway."
	-- John to a Ranger in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"And so it begins."
"There is a hole in your mind."
"What do you want?"
"No one here is exactly what he appears."
"Nothing's the same anymore."
"Commander Sinclair .. is being reassigned."
"Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld while you're at it?"
"I see a great hand reaching out of the stars."
"Who are you?"
"President Clark has signed a decree today declaring martial law."
"These orders have forced us to declare independence."
"Weapons supplies."
"Unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something."
"You are the one who was."
"If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die."
"Why are you here?
 Do you have anything worth living for?"
"I think of my beautiful city in flames."
"Like giants in a playground."
"Get the hell out of our galaxy!"
"We are here to place president Clark under arrest."
	-- Season Opener in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"The newly elected president of the Interstellar Alliance, about to be
 officially sworn in, washing his own socks. You're a very strange man,
 even for a human."
"Why, thank you."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"You're good with diplomacy when possible, but you know how to fight when
 you have to. And you speak your mind. Now, whoever's running B5 for the
 next year is going to be on the hot seat. I chose you strictly on your
 background. You are the perfect choice."
	-- Sheridan to Lochley in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"I want the authority to go with it. I won't be interfered with or
 second-guessed or micromanaged. .. Sir."
	-- Lochley to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"I'm sorry, but I'm--"
"Working. Yes, I can see. Books, manuals, directives, regulations, the
 geometries that circumscribe your waking life, drawn narrower and
 narrower until nothing fits inside them anymore. My name is Byron."
	-- Lochley and Byron in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"My people are coming."
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"Well, Mr. Garibaldi says it's very well written."
"Well, I .. I'm sorry, there's just the one copy for now, and well .. when
 I loaned it to Mr. Garibaldi, it came back with coffee stains. I can't--"
	-- Sheridan and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"I will not sleep, eat, drink, nothing! The words and I will be locked in
 mortal combat until one of us surrenders."
	-- G'Kar to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"That's a tall order."
"Perhaps. But where is it written that all our dreams must be small ones?"
	-- Lochley and Byron in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"As strong as you think you are, the one thing you can't stop is the lone
 gunman determined to kill you, even if he gets killed in the process.
 I'm that man, Sheridan."
	-- John in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"On my world, we have learned inauguration is simply a signal to
 assassins that a new target has been set up on the firing range."
	-- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"I'm glad you talked him out of it. I have no desire to be struck
 blind by the sight of Londo naked."
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"Whoever speaks for the Alliance speaks with one voice for many.
 Consequently, this contains the first page of every holy book of every race
 that has joined the new Alliance. Whoever speaks for the Alliance does so
 with the understanding that it is the inalienable right of every sentient
 being to live free, to pursue their dreams, to address wrongs within their
 own society without fear of retribution, to believe as their conscience
 requires in matters of faith, but also to respect the rights of others to
 believe differently, or not at all. Do you, John J. Sheridan--"
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"You want to be president?"
"Put your hand on the book and say, 'I do.'"
"I do."
"Fine. Done. Let's eat."
	-- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"Which side were you on during the big fight back home?"
"I was on the side of Earth, Mr. Garibaldi, weren't we all?"
	-- Garibaldi and Lochley in Babylon 5:"No Compromises"
"Do you know what this is, hmm? No, I can see you do not. You have that
 vacant look in your eyes that says, 'Hold my head to your ear, you will
 hear the sea.' This is brevari, very old brevari, very expensive brevari.
 Do you understand brevari, hmm?"
	-- Londo to Zack in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"I was going to tell you tonight, Delenn, after dinner."
".. Why?"
"Because .. bad news improves on a good meal. Valen said--"
	-- Lennier & Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"I don't believe this. What is it with this place? I mean, last week someone
 tries to assassinate Sheridan, now someone tries to poison Londo.
 God! What is wrong with you people? Don't you have anything else better
 to do? Why don't you get a hobby? Read a book or something?"
	-- Vir in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"You couldn't sleep either."
"No. I heard about your .. situation."
"I heard about yours. As Mr. Garibaldi would say, it's been one hell of a day."
"Yes, a hell of a day."
"And a hell of a year."
"A hell of a 5 years."
"A hell of a life."
".. You win."
	-- Vir and Lennier in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"All of the bottles here are empty? The metaphor's getting a bit thick,
 don't you think?"
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"The dream is prophecy."
"Prophecy is a guess that comes true. When it doesn't, it's a metaphor. You
 could put a gun to your head tomorrow and pull the trigger, and then the
 dream is *just* a dream, and the prophecy is *just* a metaphor, and so are
 you. You're out of time, Londo. Turn around."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"You're wrong, Mollari. Whether it was me or my world, whether it was a total
 stranger or your worst enemy, you were a *witness*! It doesn't matter if
 they'd stop. It doesn't matter if they'd listen. *You* had an obligation to
 speak out!"
	-- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"Apparently, according to some of our folk tales, if the spirit of a Centauri
 ends up in a body that is not worthy of its presence, it can choose to
 separate, to cause the death of the body so that it can then move on to a
 worthier host."
"Right. Right, I remember that. It's a very big struggle, and apparently the
 person involved is either permanently changed by the experience or he dies.
 Of course, this is only supposed to happen when the higher spirit is a real,
 real high one--I mean, we're talking major angelic here--and the person
 that it's stuck inside is a complete monster, I mean just nasty and
 corrupt and disgusting. It's--
 Not that I was--because obviously you are--you know, I really have to go.
 To your question: yes. I do remember that story. I heard it... ever since
 I was a child."
"Interesting. I didn't."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"
"Not even a goodbye, Lennier?"
"No, never goodbye.
 I'm yours forever, Delenn, heart, body, and soul. I will see you again in a
 little while, and with luck, I will perhaps be a better person."
"That is not possible, Lennier, but you're welcome to try."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"The Very Long Night of
	   Londo Mollari"
"I would remind the Drazi ambassador that the Centauri Republic has
 already signed the declaration. And if the Centauri can sign it,
 anybody can sign it."
"That's right. .. Wait a minute."
	-- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"G'Kar is taking it as a personal rejection since he wrote the damn thing."
"Oh, writers. They are a sensitive bunch."
	-- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone
 else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one
 I can."
	-- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"You've misspelled this. There's no 'Y' in liberties."
"Oh, go away. Repress someone else."
"As you wish."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Afternoon. My name's Michael Garibaldi--"
"Yes, it is. And the answer is no."
"Wait a second. You didn't hear what I had to say."
"Yes, I did. I heard your proposition, I heard what you thought I would
 probably say in response, and I heard the counter-arguments you planned
 to use. I know you're having some discomfort with those shoes and that
 lunch is not sitting well with you just now."
	-- Garibaldi and Byron in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Do you know what a telepath has to do in order to avoid picking up stray
 thoughts? We have to kick down our natural abilities, run rhymes and little
 songs through our heads 'round and 'round. All that to keep from picking up
 what you're broadcasting loud enough to be heard halfway down the hall.
 You're one of those people who rehearses everything, Mr. Garibaldi. You
 never enter a situation until you've gone over it and over it a hundred
 times, worked out what you will say, what the other person will say,
 how you'll respond. It's .. quite remarkable and extremely depressing.
 That little personality quirk must have cost you more than a few
 relationships. Mundanes want us to fill our heads with noise and babble
 so we won't hear what you're shouting at the top of your minds."
	-- Byron to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Oh, I can just hear Londo now:
 'I imagine you are finding your principles most inconvenient now, yes?'"
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Send all of them. Or at least as many as we can afford. Dukhat once told me:
 'If you can create sufficient fear in your enemies, you may not have to fight
 them. Always remember that terror is also a form of communication.'"
"Oh, he taught you well."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"The rumor around Psi Corps is that's what happened to Mr. Bester, did you
 know that? They say he was always volunteering for deathbed scans. I guess
 he wanted to know what was on the other side. They say he was there inside
 someone's mind when they died, and .. he went too deep. Saw more than
 anyone should ever see. And when the door closed .. the rest of him .. maybe
 the best of him .. never came back."
	-- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Lyta, they believe in this new Alliance. They think they can make a
 difference, help people. Me, I don't know what to believe anymore. But
 they're trying, Lyta. They're trying so hard, and they're gonna need all
 the help they can get, whether they know it or not. I came back because
 I figured they deserve a fighting chance to make this work, and I'm gonna
 give it to them. You do this for me, and I swear, I will never ask you for
 anything ever again. .. Till the next time."
	-- Garibaldi to Lyta in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice. The language is
 not narn or human or centauri or gaim or minbari. It speaks in the language
 of hope."
"It speaks in the language of trust. It speaks in the language of strength
 and the language of compassion. It is the language of the heart and the
 language of the soul. But always it is the same voice. It is the voice of our
 ancestors speaking through us and the voice of our inheritors waiting to be
 born. It is the small, still voice that says: 'We are one. No matter the blood,
 no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
 No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter
 the fear. .. We are one.' Here, gathered together in common cause, we agree
 to recognize this singular truth and this singular rule that we must be kind
 to one another."
"Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each
 voice lost diminishes us. We are the voice of the universe, the soul of
 creation, the fire that will light the way to a better future. We are one."
"We are one."
	-- Sheridan / G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Your son served with honor and died bringing us news that may help to save
 the lives of literally thousands of people, people he did not know, but whose
 lives mattered more to him than his own."
	-- Franklin of Ranger in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Tell me that it matters to you that I help your friend."
"It matters to me."
"Then for your sake I will do it."
	-- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"We will find him two among us who are trained beyond reproach. They will
 find for him all the things that are hidden, all the things that are dark,
 and all the things that are secret."
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Do you know if they had a chance to send out a distress call?"
"Oh, no. They were shot right out of the sky with great efficiency."
	-- Drazi Ambassador and Londo in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Ah, Mr. President. Oh, good, good, good. I was looking for these."
"What are you doing?"
"Well, we need to get everyone to sign them again."
"What? We .. Do you understand what we went through to get them signed
 even once?"
"I revised it again. It's better."
"But look."
"It's better."
	-- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"We've got to watch this, Delenn. We've got to watch this very closely.
 Because we are standing on the proverbial slippery slope, and if we're
 not careful, there's a big fall out there that's just waiting to happen."
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Paragon of Animals"
"Apparently, they are the advance wing of a hostile alien force that's
 scouting out this sector for likely worlds to invade. For 'likely' read 'soft
 and vulnerable.' Our task is to make sure they either don't leave here, or they
 leave convinced that we are neither soft nor vulnerable and way too much
 trouble to invade. We win this battle, they go away, we save ourselves a great
 deal of trouble in the future. We lose, this'll get a hell of a lot worse."
	-- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"You've seen him and Delenn together, right? Now that's
 true love, my friend. You don't see that very often."
"Very true. He's a good man."
"Yep. A good man."
"I heard he was dead once."
"Yeah, well, nobody's perfect, Bo."
	-- Mack and Bo in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"Hey, Mack, can I ask you a question?"
"What the hell are these things for?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what do they do?"
"What do you mean what do they do? You run 'em along the floor, like this."
"Ok. So what does it do? It's not any cleaner."
"I don't know. Maybe it looks for cracks or it does something to
 the metal .. makes it stronger. I don't know."
"So you don't know what it does either?"
"Well .. guess it's time for lunch."
	-- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"What's it taste like?"
"Hard to say, Bo. Um, kind of, um .. spooish, I guess."
"No. You're supposed to say chicken."
"That's the joke. Whenever you eat something strange and someone asks,
 'What's it taste like?' you're supposed to say chicken. It's funny that way."
"It doesn't *taste* like chicken."
	-- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"So, what happened to the doctor that helped your dad?"
"Shot and killed by his own men. Said he was a traitor."
	-- Bo and Franklin in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"You're supposed to be head of covert intelligence. Well, right now, I'm not
 seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"At the moment of death, there is a passing of energy. An explosion of
 consciousness. It permeates everything in close proximity: your clothes,
 jewelry, .. anything. We can still feel him, .. what he was, .. what he
 did, .. his hopes, .. and fears, .. and expectations. It's still there
 for a few minutes. .. Then it will disappear. .. Joining him in silence."
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"Though cruel and capricious, bringing us into a world that fears us and hates
 us, nature did not leave us entirely without protection."
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"I was... never a child. I had responsibilies. I've had responsibilities for
 as long as I can remember. Duty. Honor. Family."
"Ah. That explains a great deal."
"Really. And what exactly does it explain, G'Kar?"
"I spent my years in one shelter after another, but sooner or later I was able
 to leave the shelter, and walk out into the daylight. You do not have that
 luxury; you carry your shelter with you, every day. You did not grow up.
 You grew old."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The View from the Gallery"
[Londo and G'Kar] "So, how long you figure they been married?"
	-- Mack in Babylon 5:"The View from the Gallery"
"Then, as you said to me once, 'I'll see you again,
 in a place where no shadows fall.'"
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"If I am launchd in a life pod, and let us say shortly after the launch, the
 equipment is accidentally smashed from the inside, what would happen to
 the pod?"
"It'd crash into Epsilon 3."
"Or explode. It could explode."
"Possible. Wouldn't be good either way, ma'am."
"I see. Understand that, while I'm not a prophet, I can tell you that if I were
 going to be sent away, in a lifepod, and forced to watch everything I love
 and have fought for die before my eyes, without even a chance to keep it
 together, the lifepod would suffer just such a terrible accident.
 Now, time being circular, if we know that this *will* happen, then we may
 as well assume that it has happened already, and that the lifepod is not
 safe for me to enter."
"The president is right, ma'am, it's not safe here for either one of you."
"I know. But it's home for both of us."
	-- Delenn, Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:"The View from the Gallery"
"Suddenly, I think I understand Sheridan a lot better."
"How so?"
"Well, dead or alive I'd claw my way out of hell and straight through 10
 miles of solid rock to see that smile again."
	-- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:"A View from the Gallery"
"You are a source of constant annoyance to me, Turval, but only because
 you're right more often than you're wrong. And why should I keep this joy
 to myself? I choose to share you with the universe. Valen help them all."
	-- Sech Durhan to Sech Turval in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"It's good to see you down here again. Didn't know whether you'd still hang
 around with us grunts now that you've been *promoted*."
"It's still just little ol' me, Zack. I don't change. I don't have the time."
	-- Zack and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"Now, there have been a lot of rumors about you since you got on board this
 station, Captain. Maybe everybody else is afraid to ask. I don't have that
 problem. You see, I don't work for you. I answer only to Sheridan. So I
 want to know, just for me, which side were you on?"
	-- Garibaldi to Lochley in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"OK, you're right. I wasn't on your side.
 I was on the side that says it's not the role of the military to set policy,
 or depose presidents, or fire on our own ships.  We follow orders until one
 comes along that violates our conscience. Then we have to decide whether or
 not to follow it, and take the consequences. Maybe you'll be proven right,
 maybe they'll stick you in front of a firing squad, but your decision affects
 only you.  You can take a stand without destroying the chain of command."
"And did you? Did you take a stand?"
"Well, now, that's none of your concern, Mr. Garibaldi. You asked me if
 I took up arms against my own government. The answer is no. My job is to
 protect the men and women who serve under my command, and I will perform that
 job with every last breath I've got, because I owe them nothing less."
"And to hell with the rest of the world."
"Well, now, there you have me at a disadvantage, Mr. Garibaldi. You see,
 I don't know what's best for the whole world. I don't understand the ethical
 structure of the universe, and I sure as hell don't think it's my place to
 tear up the constitution I swore an oath to protect.
 I am a soldier, Mr. Garibaldi. And as such, my vocabulary is rather limited.
 I only *really* understand three words: loyalty, duty, honor.  If I did it
 your way, one of those would have to go. And the other two would become
 meaningless. Just like this conversation. Good day."
	-- Lochley and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"You just keep doing what you're doing. Michael will come around,
 eventually. He's a good man."
"I know. I just .. I just never thought I'd meet a second man as
 strong-willed, stubborn, and annoying as I am. My cup runneth over."
	-- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"We have no idea what to do with the Pak'ma'ra. They're slow, greedy,
 selfish, not very bright. They refuse to speak anything other than their
 own language, so we have to use a translator. And they're carrion-eaters.
 If it's not five days dead and decayed, they won't touch it."
	-- Sech Durhan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"Our training methods were created by Minbari to serve Minbari. But if there
 is any lesson to be learned from the humans, it is that we are made stronger
 by our differences, not weaker. If the Pak'ma'ra cannot learn to be what we
 think they should be, then perhaps we should learn to use them for what they
	-- Delenn to Sech Durhan in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"This may not be a good idea."
"We should learn about all the dark places here, since that
 is where we will do our work. .. In the dark."
	-- Tannier and Rastenn in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"We create the meaning in our lives. It does not exist independently. Being
 Anla-shok does not mean worrying about what others will think about us.
 It does not mean deciding what to do based upon whether or not it serves
 our sense of ego or destiny. It means living each moment as if it were your
 last one. It means doing each right thing because it is the right thing.
 The scale doesn't matter. The where, the when, the how, or in what cause ..
 none of those things matter. In my life, I've discovered very few truths.
 Here is the greatest truth I know: Your death, Rastenn, will have a meaning
 if it comes while you're in fullest pursuit of your heart."
	-- Sech Turval to Rastenn in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"As Anla-shok, we choose to do that which frightens us, knowing that
 there are no guarantees. He may lose. We cannot help him."
"Then he will stand alone."
"At the end, Captain, .. we all stand alone."
	-- Delenn and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"I've got my rights!"
"You've got the pike. Continue."
	-- Trance and Sech Turval in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"Attend, students, this is a classic archetype in action. The strong man or
 'bully', as the humans call it: essentially a coward whose only skill is
 convincing others to do what he is afraid to do himself."
"Notice the lack of technique, no follow through. Another flaw in this
 particular personality type. .. all muscle, no brain."
	-- Sech Turval and Sech Durhan in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"Where is your fear now, Tannier?"
"Gone, Master."
"And what do you feel? Anger? Do you feel triumphant? Happiness, joy?"
"Because this is all he will ever have, and all he will ever know. Because
 his name will be swallowed by silence, forgotten. His name belongs to no-one."
"And who does your name belong to? History? The world?"
"No, it belongs to me."
	-- Sech Durhan, Tannier and Sech Turval in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"You, uh, got the captain's file there?"
"No. Go away."
"I could just peek--"
"You know, Michael, you and the Minbari have one thing in common:
 You never know when to leave something *alone*."
	-- Garibaldi and Zack in Babylon 5:"Learning Curve"
"That's got to be a great feeling; Emperor Mollari the First."
"The Second."
"There was one before you?"
"Yes. Long ago. He, too, ended badly."
"Now, come on, you've got your whole life ahead of you.
 Why would you say a thing like that?"
"Because I know. My people always know. I don't know why, or how,
 or where, but I can feel it to the very core of my being, Mr. Allan.
 This is where it begins to go badly for all of us."
	-- Zack and Londo in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"The willow is deceptively strong. It bends, but it does not break.
 Its roots are deep and can withstand the worst storm. It promises
 rest, and shade, and cool breezes to those who would find rest
 beneath it. You have become my willow. and we have all found shelter
 in your kindness."
	-- Byron to Lyta in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Thank you. That was probably the most elegant attempt to change the topic
 I have ever heard."
	-- Lyta in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"I do not feel as if I am doing enough for the Alliance, Delenn."
"Be careful, G'Kar. When the universe hears you say something like that,
 it tends to answer in the most surprising ways."
	-- G'Kar and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"How am I doing so far?"
"Annoyingly logical."
"Thank you."
"It wasn't a compliment."
	-- Lochley and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"I'm caught in a web of my own good intentions."
"Well, the road to hell is paved with them, sir."
"I know, but why does it have to go through this office?"
	-- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"This is a matter of discipline and protocol. You just don't walk into
 somebody's office and start a fight...
 unless invited to do so."
	-- Lochley in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Where are you going?"
"To pound someone, Mr. Allan. You win. I just
 decided if you can't join them, beat them."
	-- Zack and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Not bad. Tell me, is that really telekinesis, or are you just pushing the
 nerve endings, making them feel as if they've been slapped? Either way,
 it's taking a lot out of you, Lyta. You're sweating, flushed. How many times
 can you do that, Lyta? Can you do just one at a time? Maybe two? How about
 three? How about a half dozen of us?"
"I don't know. Like you said, I'm new at this. I could even make a mistake.
 Maybe even pop a blood vessel in someone's head by accident by pushing too
 hard. Feel like playing the odds, Mr. Bester?"
	-- Bester and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"For starters, I don't know you, therefore I don't trust you."
"The world's full of people you don't know."
"I worry about that all the time."
"Tough. Get over it."
	-- Lochley and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Now, I don't actually like him, and I sure as hell don't trust him,
 but so far he has not done anything unpleasant to me. I'm sure he will,
 because this place seems to bring that out in everyone, but until then,
 I have an obligation to be courteous."
"And I have an obligation to shove his face through a bulkhead."
"Your hobbies are your concern, Mr. Garibaldi. Just do it where
 I can't see it, and do it quietly."
	-- Lochley and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"We met fresh out of officer training school. We hit it off,
 fell crazy in love, got married, realized we'd made a terrible
 mistake, fell crazy out of love, and split up."
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"I could hide you."
"I believe you could. I believe you would protect me until the stars
 themselves went cold and dead, but my people need me, and i must go
 to them."
	-- Lyta and Byron in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"He should have a bodyguard assigned to him at all times while he is
 there. Someone we can rely on, someone of .. someone we can trust.
 Someone strong .. strong enough to.."
	-- Delenn to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"The Alliance is about learning to overcome our distrust and form a new
 community. Can you think of a better symbol?"
"No, and I'm trying, believe me."
"You would naturally have to accompany him on all state business and be
 there to guard him. In the palace. In the Royal Court."
"A Narn in the Centauri royal court? Ha Ha Ha! It is a curiously
 satisfying image, Delenn."
	-- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"'Earth Alliance medical routine, number 725-IT7.' Dr. Franklin just hit
 me with the paperwork a couple hours ago. 'No interstellar traveler who's
 been in unknown space shall be allowed within the borders of Earth-controlled
 space until after a 60-day quarantine period.'"
	-- Lochley to Bester in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Just keep an eye on them, Captain. Don't trust them for a second,
 because sooner or later they will turn on you. You know all about that,
 don't you, Byron?"
	-- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"There's nothing more appealing than knowing that someone's willing to
 lay down their life for you."
"And nothing more dangerous."
	-- Lochley and Zack in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"G'Kar? You assigned G'Kar as my bodyguard?"
"Yes. I think your generosity in working with him will be an excellent
 symbol of unity for all the other races who could join the alliance."
"A symbol."
"And you tried this line on G'Kar?"
"I did."
"And did it work?"
"Great Maker."
	-- Londo and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"I want the aisle seat."
"Oh, no, no. You sit on the inside. I want the aisle."
"If you sit on the aisle, I cannot protect you."
"But .. I don't like the inside. It's too cramped. I become nauseous."
"I'll make sure they have a supply of space sickness bags."
	-- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"You don't have to solve every problem all at once. Problems are solved
 in pieces. If you're on the seventh floor of a burning building, you
 can either die or jump out the window. Once you're out the window,
 you're alive for another two seconds, during which time you figure
 out the solution to the next problem and so on and so on."
	-- Lochley to Corwin in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this"
"My love will guide you, my love will hold you"
"And my love will show you the way"
"There will come a tomorrow where we're free from our sorrows"
"And our love will show us the way"
"We are strong in each other, we are sister and brother"
"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this"
"My love will guide you, my love will hold you"
"And my love will show you the way"
"There will come a tomorrow where we're free from our sorrows"
"And our love will show us the way"
	-- Telepaths Sing in Babylon 5:"Strange Relations"
"Pak'ma'ra are chosen of God, very special. We can eat of all the
 creatures who walk, and fly, and crawl, but not of the fish in the sea."
"So you can handle mammals of all kinds, even reptiles, but no fish.
 Interesting. Your system may be set up to destroy harmful bacteria on
 a selective basis. I'd like to do an analysis of your upper intestinal
 system. This .. is a barium compound, perfectly harmless. It'll help me
 track how your system handles outside material."
"Not on approved list."
"Well, everything you eat doesn't have to be dead for 5 days.
 This is a non-organic compound, does not fall in the same
 category, so don't worry, now. You'll be fine. We do this all the time."
	-- Pak'ma'ra and Franklin in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"That's why we're all here: to better understand one another and treat
 each other with sympathy and compassion, commodities which are all too
 often in short supply."
	-- Franklin in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the right place, but this is getting out of hand.
 How many more of you people are coming here?"
"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? That question baffled
 religious thinkers for centuries, until someone finally hit upon the
 answer: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? As many as
 want to. How many of my brother and sister telepaths are coming?
 As many as want to."
	-- Zack and Byron in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"You don't understand."
"No, I understand, Zack. I understand plenty. You and the others needed my
 help during the shadow war, and I did that. I put my life on the line,
 and what did I get? You were going to boot me into smaller quarters
 because I couldn't afford anything better? The only way I got out of that
 was to rejoin the Psi-Corps, and you don't even want to know the deal
 I had to make to pull that one off."
"I'm not finished. After all that, you had the nerve to ask me to risk my
 life a second time during the civil war back home, and, stupid me, I did it.
 And what did I get out of *that*? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. I got no life,
 no hope, no prospects. Now along comes Byron. And for the first time in a
 long while, I feel like someone actually cares about what happens to me."
"I care what happens to you, Lyta."
"Yeah, well, maybe that's true. But talk is cheap, Zack. Byron is putting
 his life on the line to create something for his people. And I'm one of
 them. He's given us back a sense of dignity and community. I'm proud of
 that, and I'm proud of him."
	-- Zack and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"If you could just give me five minutes..."
"Zack, if Byron asked me to follow him into hell, I'd do it gladly with a smile
 on my face, because I believe in him.
 What could you possibly say in five minutes that would change that?"
	-- Zack and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"Was one the same as three? Was three the same as one and two?"
"Was there any difference between one, two, and three?"
"Then what would you expect to get out of four, five, and six that you did
 not get out of one, two, and three? Your anger has nothing to do with me.
 What will satisfy your anger will never come from me or anyone else here.
 I'm afraid you must look for it elsewhere."
	-- Byron and a bully in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"No tyranny has ever really lasted. No government based on violence has
 endured. Sooner or later, they all fall. We're here to build a new life
 for ourselves, a home among the stars. Would you build a home on a
 foundation you knew would not last?"
	-- Byron to Lyta in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"Do you know what you are?"
"A B.C.F.M.O. A brightly colored fast moving object. You don't just walk
 into a room. You blaze in and blaze out again, like a comet. There's so much
 more to you than meets the eye."
"If you only knew."
	-- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"Byron, the Vorlons changed me. More than you could possibly know.
 I don't know what it'll do once you get past my barriers and I get
 past yours. It could burn you."
"Then let it burn."
	-- Lyta and Byron in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"It was the Vorlons."
"They created telepaths on a hundred worlds. Interfered with their genetic
 development. Took people from their homeworlds and adjusted them over the
 course of the centuries."
"Because they needed telepaths in their war against the Shadows. Needed us
 as cannon fodder."
"We would be normal. We would have *lives*. We would be able to walk and live
 and work among normals without fear of persecution if the Vorlons had not
 interfered with our normal development. We were made for their benefit,
 to save them. We were told that our abilities were our gift and our curse,
 and that we were somehow responsible for it. But we're not. We're not."
	-- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Secrets of the Soul"
"Each member race has been hit equally. And the attacks have been totally
 random, so that rules out border skirmishes or political disagreements.
 There is no one obvious to blame."
"Which means they'll blame each other, randomly.
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"He is my bodyguard."
"Well, it's good to know that your excellency's sense of humor is still
 intact after such a long voyage. Well, now, perhaps if we could show you
 to your room."
"Minister Vitari, I wasn't joking. His name is G'Kar, and he .. he *is*
 my bodyguard. And I can find my room very well on my own, thank you."
	-- Londo & Minister Vitari in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"While some telepaths on other worlds evolved naturally, the majority
 were created by the Vorlons through centuries of genetic manipulation.
 They created us so we could be used by the other worlds as weapons
 in their war against the Shadows. That is all we are to them: things to
 be used and thrown away. All that was bad enough. But to find that we
 would not even be telepaths, would not be hunted down and caged and
 controlled, if the Vorlons had not interfered with out genetic makeup,
 made us into what we are..."
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"Some of the staff have found him wandering the palace late at night. They
 say he talks to himself, cries, wails, curses, and then falls silent when
 somebody approaches. Sometimes he says he has something important to tell
 them and then a cloud seems to pass over his face and he walks away. Once,
 before his aides could bring him back to his room he told a guard to kill
 him, that he was not himself. Of course he was quite drunk at the time."
	-- Lord Jano to Londo in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"He doesn't drink! He cultivated sobriety as his only vice."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"Once I would've thought *pastels* for the curtains, but I think we are
 well beyond pastels now. No, no bright colors anymore, just darkness."
	-- Regent to Lord Jano in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"I so wanted to see you again. .. You do understand, Jano, that if it were
 my decision, I would never let anyone harm you, I would never let anyone
 hurt you. If it were my decision. .. But it's not my decision, you see.
 .. Not my decision at all."
	-- Regent to Lord Jano in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"Besides, everyone knows that the true source of pain is neither the hand
 nor the heart. It is the mouth. Is it not, Minister?"
	-- G'Kar to Minister Vole in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"We now have all your secrets. .. Give us a homeworld of our own and you
 will never hear from us again. Fail to do so and all your secrets will be
	-- Byron in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"Never, ever, *ever* trust a telepath. I swear to you that I'm
 gonna have that tattooed on the inside of my eyelids."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"If you were hated by your own race, forced to join the Psi-Corps .. or
 forced to take drugs to inhibit your talents for the rest of your life,
 if you had been hunted and enslaved by the others, would you not want
 a place of your own? A place where others like you could gather safely
 without fear of persecution."
"Okay, I grant you, on a strictly idealistic level it's understandable.
 But they did it the wrong way, the inconvenient way."
"I seem to recall the Earth president saying the same thing to you after
 your civil war."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"It's bad luck to die on empty stomach."
	-- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"Regent Verini!"
"Hello, Mollari. Beautiful night, isn't it? As nights go, and they go
 so quickly now."
"Are you all right?"
"Yes, yes. .. No. I, I'm glad we got there in time to save you, Mollari.
 You know, you were the only one who treated me fairly when Cartagia
 was here. But he's still here, isn't he? His legacy."
"Then it was you who saved me?"
"No. Not exactly. It was them. They like you, you know. That's why they
 saved you. They say you are just like them, they say--they say you
 have much in common."
"They? Who are they?"
"Shhh! Quietly Londo, quietly. You will follow me, you will be emperor soon."
"I'm sorry. I'm so .. so sorry."
	-- Londo and Regent in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"What could they be doing with our ships, I wonder."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"In the Kingdom of the Blind"
"They've got other ways to slow us down."
	-- Zack to Lochley in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"Would you like some spoo? It's fresh!"
"Pfah! Get that away from me. Spoo needs to age. It takes time to
 cultivate its flavor. To eat fresh spoo is to insult a Centauri."
	-- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"These things happen in a monarchy.
 When I was still new to the royal palace I looked out the window and saw a
 guard standing in the middle of a courtyard, nothing to protect, nothing
 to guard, no doors. I couldn't figure out what he was guarding.
 And so I asked around; no one knew. Not even the Emperor. Finally they
 searched through the old records, and found the truth--that *200* years
 before, as winter came to an end, the Emperor's daughter saw the first
 flower growing up through the snow.
 To keep anyone from walking on it, she assigned a guard to stand watch
 over it every day; after that, she never gave it much thought, and thus
 never countermanded the order.
 As a result, every day, for 200 years, a guard would stand in that place...
 long after the flower was gone. Long after the *reason* had been forgotten.
 Long after the princess was gone."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"Why is that we always break up our history by the .. the wars, not the
 years of peace? The hundred years' war, the war of 1812, the first three
 world wars, the Dilgar war, the war of the shining star, the Minbari war,
 the Shadow war. Why the war and not the peace? Because it's exciting, and
 because on some level people like to see something big fall apart and
 explode from the inside out. And right now, John, we're that something."
	-- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"And we have to do it without killing a guard, without raising any
 alarms, and without anyone noticing that she is gone. For my next trick,
 I shall fly around the room under my own power."
	-- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"It's .. animal magnetism, what can I say?"
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"How do we avoid being noticed?"
"We don't. We do everything we can to *be* noticed.
 And thus become invisible."
"I don't understand."
"The royal court has been trained not to see what is inappropriate."
	-- Na'Toth and Londo in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"I'll do whatever I can not to hurt them. You forget: we're more the same
 than we're different. We're all telepaths and we're all in this together."
	-- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"We got two people dead here!"
"Two of your people. They're not my people. My people are in there, and
 several others just tried to kill me... but then, what family doesn't have
 its difficulties?"
	-- Zack and Bester in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"Every great fall begins with a single mistake."
	-- Drazi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"
"We should expect some losses on their side, but let's try to keep it within
 acceptable limits. The Corps is mother, the Corps is father -- in that way
 these are our children who have gone astray. We have to at least *try* to
 bring them in alive so that we can correct their thinking."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"Our job is to protect normals from rogue telepaths. Perhaps now you'll
 understand why we're necessary. Every race to develop telepaths has had
 to find some way to control them: through laws, religion, drugs, or
 extermination. We may not be pretty .. but we're a hell of a lot better
 than the alternatives."
	-- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"There's only one thing more dangerous than Mr. Garibaldi
 when he's loud. .. It's when he's dead silent."
	-- Sheridan to Lochley in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"This isn't a discussion, Bester."
"Yes, it is. You won't shoot."
	-- Bester and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"Let me ask you something, Mr. Garibaldi, a purely philosophical question.
 On a scale of 1 to 10, .. how stupid do you think I am anyway?"
	-- Bester to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"I tried to teach them, to show them that there is another way than
 violence. Did I fail that badly?"
"You can't change human nature, Byron."
"Then there's not much point in living, is there, if we can't hope for
 something better, something nobler, at least something kinder?"
	-- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"I'm a strong P12."
"But all P12's are automatically designated .. Psi-Cops.
 You were a Psi-Cop?"
"Not just a Psi-Cop. Bester's protegé."
	-- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"What do you know about neural blocks?"
	-- Garibaldi to Franklin in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"You can't talk to them. You can talk to her. You can talk to me.
 Everyone talks to me. People like talking to me--I guess I just have
 that kind of face."
	-- Bester to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"You say you're doing this for a cause. What kind of sympathy are you
 gonna get by killing innocent people in cold blood? If you want to
 send out a message, this ain't it."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"It didn't have to end like this."
"It still doesn't."
"Yes it does. We can't go back now. There's too much blood!
 We are no longer who we were. We are what we have become,
 what you [Bester] made us!"
	-- Byron and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this.."
	-- Byron (sings) in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"You satisfied, Mr. Bester?"
"No, not at all. I don't understand it. In spite of it all, I always thought
 at the end of the day we were on the same side. They just needed someone
 to explain it to them .. so they'd understand who the real enemy was."
"Us, the mundanes."
"We weren't supposed to fight each other, not like this. I don't understand,
 .. I truly .. don't."
	-- Sheridan and Bester in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"ISN has just learned that the main headquarters for the Psi-Corps was bombed
 early this morning by unknown parties. The only clues found at the scene
 were the words 'remember Byron' painted on the side of the building."
	-- ISN news in Babylon 5:"Phoenix Rising"
"Can you stall them a bit?"
"Not a problem. I'll tell them we're declaring war on Earth; that will give
 them something positive to think about."
"Good, good; give me the paperwork and I'll sign it."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"G'Kar, this is a strange thing. In the past it was a great relief to
 leave Babylon 5 and a great joy to return home. Now it is a relief to
 leave Centauri Prime and be anywhere else. I don't know what to call home
"Well, have you considered the possibility that you're simply not
 meant to be happy no matter where you are?"
"No, I haven't. Not until you mentioned it. I thought you were supposed to be
 protecting me, looking out for my best interests."
"I am. The warrior in me is watching out for your life, but the Narn in
 me has decided that it's your spririt that's in the greatest need of
"Now, is it me, or are people looking at us?"
"Well, at me, actually."
"I don't know."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"I have always said this about you: Nothing so improves your company like
 the lack of it. The less they see of you, the more they like you."
	-- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Tell them I'll be there with bells on."
"Well at least that way we'll know how to find you."
	-- Garibaldi and Zack in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Ta'Lon? Ta'Lon, is it you?"
"It's me most days, except for those days when I don't feel quite like
 myself and I suppose that I am someone else, but for now: yes, it's me."
	-- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Where is my book? It is my only copy!"
"Yes, that is precisely the point. The Kha'Ri felt if anything happened
 to you, the book of G'Kar would never see the light of day, so we ..
 liberated it."
"*Liberated* *it?*"
"We took it home. Those that read it were very moved by it and they made some
"Just a few,for their friends. And then a few more, made a few more copies."
"How many?"
"That's hard to say, exactly. There was some confusion when it went to
 the printers."
"*Printers?!* I've only been gone for a month, Ta'Lon, there can't be that
 many copies floating around this quickly. How many?"
"Five or six .. hundred .. thousand."
"I have been told it will out-sell the book of G'Quan. .. Congratulations,
 citizen G'Kar. You are now a religious icon."
	-- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Michael. You know, if you've ever got a problem, anything at all
 you want to talk about, you know where to find me, don't you?"
"I hear you. See ya."
	-- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Good morning, G'Kar. Well, this is a delight, I didn't know you had
"Neither did I."
"Yes, most unsettling when that happens, and in your case most amusing."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"So, what happened to your hair?"
	-- Tafiq Azir to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"It's not about teaching something, it's about unlearning hatred and
 unlearning fear. I am a warrior. I cannot teach them these things.
 But you can."
	-- Ta'Lon to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"All my life .. I have been responsible only for myself. When I risked,
 I risked alone to avoid making others pay the price for my mistakes.
 They want me to show them another way. What if I show then the wrong
 way? What if they come to me not because of the lesson but because of
 the teacher? I worry, Ta'Lon, that my shadow may become greater than
 the message."
"If that happens, I give you my word that I will personally kill you."
"And this is supposed to put my mind at ease."
"I'm a warrior. It's what I have to give. You and I both have our burdens
 to bear, G'Kar. I will carry mine, .. if you will carry yours."
	-- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Great Maker, what happened to you?"
"Don't ask for a raise."
	-- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"From here on out we tell Londo only what he needs to know and that's all."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Keep an eye on him, G'Kar. He may be our only chance to solve this
 thing. But I'd rather not do it at the cost of his life."
"An eye is all I have these days."
	-- Sheridan and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"In the past we have had little to do with other races. Evolution teaches us
 that we must fight that which is different in order to secure land, food,
 and mates for ourselves, but we must reach a point where the nobility of
 intellect asserts itself and says: No. We need not be afraid of those
 who are different; we can embrace that difference and learn from it."
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"If the book is holy and I am holy, then I must help you become closer to the
 thoughts of the universe.
 Put your face in the book."
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"The first thing we are all taught is that while outsiders cannot be trusted,
 we can always trust a fellow Narn, yes? This is your point, is it not?
 Good, then put your face in the book."
"There's lesson number one."
	-- G'Kar, Narn and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"Effective January one, 2263, I will be the new head of
 xenobiological research at EarthDome."
	-- Franklin to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Ragged Edge"
"All I know is that they hate comets. Even mentioning a comet to a Brakiri
 is some kind of, like, awful taboo. Death. It's the symbol of death."
	-- Garibaldi to Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"He's hosting a cocktail party for, uh .. Rebo and Zooty.
 Now, later tonight, we are having dinner with them."
"Rebo and Zooty are here? Zoot zoot? This is truly a day of wonders."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Oh, this is a moment you can tell your children about, Captain."
"I'll get on to having some right away."
"I said I have an appointment with the Brakiri ambassador.
 I'm on my way."
	-- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"G'Kar, as you can see, I'm rather busy, but I believe you know Ambassador
 Kullenbrak. He's here to--"
"I know! That is why I came. I strongly advise you against this transaction.
 It is dangerous and foolish and unwise."
"Religious toleration is foolish?"
"This is not a matter of toleration. You do not know what you are doing."
"The declaration of principles of the alliance .. You *are* familiar
 with it, I trust?"
"I wrote it!"
"It states that religious belief shall be sacrosanct."
	-- Lochley and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You see, Minbari humor is based not on physical danger or embarrassment
 or rejection, like human humor, but rather on the failure to obtain, uh ..
 emotional or spiritual enlightenment."
	-- Rebo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You know, I was really hoping to talk to Zooty, you know, without
 the machine."
"Yeah. He never breaks character, not even around me. In 10 years,
 I've only heard him say one word, without the machine."
"Oh. Oh. What's the word?"
"Oh, just curious."
"No, no. that was the word: 'Why'. In 10 years I haven't figured
 it out myself."
	-- Sheridan and Rebo in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"So .. When you were emperor, it meant something. Subduer of the Xon and the
 Shoggren. .. Now .. Ptttp! *Anyone* can be emperor. I can be emperor. *Vir*
 can be emperor. If Vir can be emperor, a small Earth cat can be emperor. ..
 Come on. Talk to me. It's the day of the dead."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"I thought you'd be pleased to see me."
"But I .. I thought you were dead."
"Ah. You know, the reports of my death, they weren't even exaggerated
 a little bit. Yeah, I'm .. I'm dead. But, you know, I missed you,
 and how often do dead people get second chances?"
	-- Garibaldi and Dodger in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"We're in space?"
	-- Zoe and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You don't party? Jeez, Lizzie, what'd you grow up to be? We had such fun,
 didn't we? Didn't we have such fun?"
"No. We were cold, sick-- we were hungry all the time.
 We did things to survive I've done my best to forget."
	-- Zoe and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"There seems to be a slight problem, sir. It's kind of hard to
 explain. We seem to be missing a piece of the station. We can't
 reach it. We can't communicate with it."
"That piece is almost a square mile across. You can't just lose
 something that big."
"I agree, but it's still missing."
	-- Corwin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Any Emily Dickinson poem can be sung to the tune of
 the Yellow Rose of Texas."
	-- Dodger to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You don't come to the dead for wisdom, Lennier.
 My head was cut from my body. Even now it rots on a pole outside the imperial
 palace. Birds have taken the hair for their nests, maggots ate my flesh,
 and you want wisdom?"
	-- Morden to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Wisdom: let's see, uh... Delenn does not love you as you love her, and she
 never will."
"I know that."
"No, you don't. Not in your heart, that's the problem, you see.
 No one should ever want to talk to the dead."
	-- Morden and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Why did you help me? I know what kind of a man you were."
"Give a dog a bad name, and you can hang him with it. You shouldn't listen
 to everything Sheridan tells you. Actually, I'm surprised he's not here
 tonight, since he died at Z'ha'dum. Is there any coffee here or not?"
	-- Lennier and Morden in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"So. Do you like being a Ranger, Lennier? Would you like it any better if
 I were to tell you that you will betray the Anla'shok?"
"You are lying."
"I wish I were."
	-- Morden and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"I'm prophetic, not infallible."
"I think you are neither, but at least you have shown me
 there is truly life beyond death."
"Not necessarily, but you'll find that out soon enough."
	-- Morden and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"I could no more betray the Anla'shok than my fingers could betray my hand."
	-- Lennier in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Dodger, this is Captain Lochley. This is PFC... the late PFC--"
"Derman-Elizabeth-56927-killed-in-action, Sir!"
	-- Garibaldi and Dodger in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You know, some guys would be flattered if a not-entirely-uncute dame
 returned from the dead to spend a night of lust and passion with them."
	-- Dodger to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"I mean, it's some guys' fantasy: a love-hungry redhead who'll disappear
 in the morning, never to be seen again!"
	-- Dodger to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You know, making people laugh is .. is ok. I mean, I .. I enjoy getting a
 laugh, but, uh, I don't know. We wanna do something more important."
"But you two have a real gift. I mean, when things were bad under president
 Clark, you two said things on your show that no one else would dare to say."
	-- Rebo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"But no one takes comedians seriously."
"Isn't that a contradiction?"
	-- Rebo and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"No. We say serious things in a funny way, but when the joke comes, people
 stop listening. The real comedy all happens in the senate. They do .. they
 do one idiotic thing after another, but people listen because they say it
 seriously. I don't know whether we're leaving comedy to go into clown
 school, but all I do know is that, uh .. comedians don't matter."
"Well, if you don't matter, nothing matters. I mean, the only reason politics
 exist is to ensure that people have the freedom to laugh."
	-- Rebo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"So who is this Sheridan guy? .. It doesn't matter. So did you get married?"
"Married. Um, actually, to that Sheridan guy. Didn't work."
	-- Zoe and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Okay, Captain, let me get this straight: you sold Babylon 5 to an alien
 race, for the night, who somehow transported a square mile of this station
 to their homeworld while apparently filling it with people temporarily
 returned from the dead?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, do you have an explanation as to *why* you did this?
"Yes, sir. I thought it was a metaphor, sir.
 ... I'll try to be more literal-minded from now on, sir."
	-- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"I think we need a little mystery once in a while. Oh, and, uh, speaking of
 mysteries, I have a message for you. It's from someone named Kosh."
".. What's the message?"
"'When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning.'"
"Uh, thank you, Captain."
	-- Lochley and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"You're so funny. From now on, I will always watch you. Zoot zoot.
 Very funny. I thought perhaps you could perform at my inauguration.
 However, to make a Centauri laugh, I have to give you a piece of advice."
	-- Londo to Rebo in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"What did he say?"
"'Because it tells me to.'"
	-- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Day of the Dead"
"Besides, we don't often see a sense of humor in Psi-Cops."
"Reports of our depression are vastly exaggerated."
	-- Lauren Ashley and Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
	-- A sign in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
	-- A sign in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Protect the Family"
	-- A sign in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"But I thought Babylon 5 was your main assignment these days."
"No, though I'm sure they think so. They have a tendency to put
 their station at the center of the universe."
	-- Ashley and Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
	-- A sign in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"There's always somebody or something trying to be the most important
 thing in the world. No, much as it might offend their sense of perspective,
 not *everything* is about Babylon 5."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Who do you think you..who do you think you are? You can't..you can't
 hold me. You can't hide from me too long. You can't hide. I told you it
 was my mind..I told you it was my mind. You listen? You listen, I told you.
 You don't listen, you don't hear me, yet you are telling me the same thing.
 My..my mind. My mind. My mind. Not yours, my Freud. My mind. My mind,
 not yours."
	-- Jonathan Harris in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"Stay in touch with family and business alike with state of the art
 communications and delivery services. Let us be your new partner."
"Babylon 5 for the business of today and the hope of tomorrow."
	-- Ad in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
	-- A sign in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Do you get used to it?"
"When it's one of ours, no. With mundanes it's easier. They hate it when
 we say that, but it's the truth. They kill and slave and abuse each other
 with efficiency and enthusiasm. Why should we value their lives when they
 don't? It's a little harder with rogues and blibs. Being a telepath means
 you're special, and rare, and valuable."
	-- Lauren Ashley and Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"My parents were killed in an accident. I was barely a month old.
 When I was put into a foster home, I turned up in the random DNA checks.
 The Corps took me in, raised me, and taught me that because we're special
 we need to watch out for each other, even more than we would as mundanes.
 We're responsible for each other."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Jonathan Harris"
"Rating: P10"
"DOB: 4.15.2239
"Height: 171.5cm"
"Weight: 70.45kg"
"Hair: Black"
"Eyes: Brown"
"POB: Tucson, Ar"
"PCI: Age 10"
" Basic Psionics"
" Op Research"
" Deep Scan 2"
" Interrogation"
" Block Dev 2"
" Field Tech"
" Calculus 4b"
" Psych 4"
" Languages,"
"  Gn, Ea"
" History"
"  Ea"
"  Ai"
"  Wr"
" Economics"
"  Ea"
"  Uni"
" Politics,"
"  --gional"
"  --obal"
"  --iversal"
"  ---l Interests:"
"  --usical Music"
"  ---try"
"  ---ing"
"  --nery"
"  --ding"
"  ---ing"
"  --uncty"
	-- ID File in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Does the mothership ever leave hyperspace?"
"Only for repairs when we can do so it without being seen. No reason for the
 rest of the world to know what our resources are. The rest of the time it
 just sits here in hyperspace for months at a time carrying missions back
 and forth and waiting until we need it, just like all the others."
	--  Chen Hikaru and Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	    the Corps is Father"
"Don't you ever go away? Haven't you caused enough trouble for one lifetime?"
"It's a pleasure to see you too, Mr. Allan. Where can I find Captain Lochley?
 I should check in with her."
"She's busy, you can check in with me. Card. So what is it this time, Mr.
 Bester? Hunting down freedom-fighters, pulling wings off flies, annexing
 the Sudetenland."
	-- Zack and Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"You're disobeying instructions."
"I'm showing initiative."
	-- Ashley and Hikaru in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"He was dead before we got here."
"Yeah, they told me, but I never let the facts get in
 the way of a good grudge."
	-- Bester and Zack in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"I've seen all kinds, kid. Seen an alien come through here last week with
 eight compound eyes and a glass stomach. Two fingers of gin, he's down,
 completely unconscious for a two full hours, then he wants to do it again.
 I've seen a naked Pak'ma'ra once. You know that hump on their back? It's
 not a hump at all, it's their--"
	-- Bartender in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"He's been watching. Watching."
"Knowing. But not knowing. How"
"does he know. He doesn't."
"  I can feel him watching."
"Burning into my mind. What does"
"he want?"
"I'm down to my last insta-heat."
"Mashed potatoes. My brain feels"
"like mashed potatoes. I have"
"finally decided to do what I"
"should have done weeks ago. He"
"knows too much."
"I've taken the precaution to"
"override the security codes in"
"the dorm. I've taken some h[eavy]"
"tranquilizers to p[ush]--"
"a [heavy shot]--"
	-- Harris' Note in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"These papers, different styles of handwriting, different names, but not
 different people. The same person, with multiple personalities. That's why
 we misidentified his rating. One personality *was* a P10, the other was a
 P12. It's rare, but it has happened before."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"I didn't do anything. The dark man and the laughing man .. and me and
 Harris, .. we're all in this together. It's nobody's fault, really.
 It's nobody's fault. We all did it. You have to understand, please.
 They made us do this. If they got us upset he was history."
	-- Harris in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Oh, come on, doctor, we have history here. Tell the truth.
 You don't want me here a second more than I want to be here."
"Personally, no. But as a doctor I have to treat all my patients equally,
 even the annoying self-righteous arrogant ones with self-important delusions
 of godhood."
"Ah, thank you, I feel far more at home now."
	-- Bester and Franklin in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother,
	   the Corps is Father"
"Game, set, match. Be seeing you, doctor."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father"
"Argh! You broke my finger!"
"True. But you have nine others... for the moment."
	-- lurker and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to make it, Lennier."
"I said that I would never leave you, that I would be here when you needed
 me most. Tell me what you want done; I will make it happen, no matter
 the cost."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"I said we had reason, not proof. We can't go public with what we
 suspect until we can *prove* their involvement."
	-- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"As a friend he would want to protect you. As my husband he would need
 to protect me from anything that might happen to you."
"I think, in that respect, he does not know you as well as he should."
"He knows me, but he also loves me. And sometimes the one gets in the
 way of the other."
"Yes, I .. imagine it could do that."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"Vir! We are not biologically equipped to handle fast food."
"I know, I know, but it .. it tastes so great going down.
 Coming up again it's not so terrific, but--"
"Well, you'll have to change that. We can't have someone in your
 position eating at MacBari's, now can we?"
"Yes, but--what position?"
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"It's politics, Vir. Never take it personally."
	-- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"No, the captain does not believe in indiscreet questions.
 He believes the only way to get pertinent information is
 to ask impertinent questions."
	-- Findell to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"So, Ambassador, how is the wife? Not too tired, I hope."
	-- Londo to Drazi Ambassador in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"He often leaves out important pieces of information like that.
 It is .. frustrating."
"It is, I think, the human way of doing things. They try to encourage
 initiative so that we may better react to sudden changes. Our own
 techniques tend to be .. rigid."
	-- Findell and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"All our holy books are reproduced *exactly* as written. Line for
 line, word for word, right down to the flaws in the paper."
	-- G'Kar to Franklin in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"It is not necessary to know. It is only necessary to try."
	-- Lennier to Findell in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"Ah, yes, but what is truth and what is God?"
"[sigh] Truth is a .. river."
"And what is God?"
"God is .. the mouth of the river."
	-- Narn Acolyte and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"To be Anla-Shok means understanding that there is nothing to fear in
 death except the failure to complete our assigned mission. *Death*
 is not the enemy, *death* simply *is*."
	-- Captain Enrico Montoya in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"What happened to Vir?"
"Oh, I promoted him. ..
 Now, *now* he is ready to be the ambassador for the Centauri."
	-- Zack and Londo in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"Sh--Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed.
 I had a little -- oh, that's a big drink -- about an hour ago
 and it went right to my head. .. What did I do .. with that link?
 Here Linky, Linky, Linky? Here, Linky? Ah, the missing link!"
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed.
 I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Meditations on the Abyss"
"You failed me [Sheridan]"
"Where were you? [Zack]"
	-- Blood writings on the floor in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"Oh, don't fight it. No, you're not gonna win. The more you fight it,
 the stronger it gets."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"I've decided to stop hiding what the Vorlons did to me. I'm testing to
 see what I can do, how far I can go. I had no idea. You shouldn't have
 woken up. This is just a dream. *This* .. *never* .. *happened*."
	-- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"We could get you all the telepaths you need."
"But not the ones I want. Look, I understand your desire to create a
 homeworld for telepaths. I'm not unsympathetic, but what you're asking
 is beyond the capabilities of my company, or any others. You need
 someone with a lot more resources and no contractual obligations to the
 Psi-Corps. Good luck trying to find him."
	-- Lyta and a business man in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"You'd think they don't trust us."
"I don't think anyone trusts anyone right now, Londo."
"You say that as if it were a bad thing. No one really trusts anyone, Vir.
 It's the natural order of things. But until now it has never interfered
 with business. I find this very strange."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"I'm sorry."
"I don't *want* you to be sorry. I don't need your pity. I don't need
 anybody's pity. All I know is that I am tired of being controlled.
 Controlled by others, by fear, by my past, by what everybody else
 expects of me and it's enough. *Enough.* .. Now this. This is my own
 private little active rebellion, yeah. I may not be able to control what
 other people do to me, but I can at least be in control of what I do to
	-- Lise and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"Now, it is absolutely inappropriate of you to pull a stunt like that
 without telling me. I cannot have you making--"
"You are right."
".. I-- Oh, dammit, Delenn. I have been working up a good mad all day and
 I am not about to let you undercut it by agreeing with me."
"It *was* inappropriate for me to assign Lennier to that part of space
 without informing you. *Just* as it was inappropriate for you *not* to
 assign him there. I admitted mine with perfect honesty. Now you can
 admit yours."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"Further, he will not stop, will not slow down, will not give up
 until he has proof that the Centauri are behind these attacks."
	-- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"I don't know how long that offer was good for, but I just wanted
 to tell you that I .. accept your proposition."
"Which part?"
"The part where I give you access to my .. genetic material."
"Assuming you're still interested."
	-- Lyta and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"I've been told each that world's internal affairs are considered
 private. This is about as internal an affair as I can think of."
	-- Lyta to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"Oh, and you mentioned wondering what my pleasure threshold is.
 I just recently found out. .. I don't have one. Have a very,
 very nice day, G'Kar."
	-- Lyta to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Darkness Ascending"
"I was not pretending. I went to Centauri Prime as your guest, your
 protector, perhaps even as your conscience, but not as anyone's
 eyes and ears. So no, I will not be testifying before the council."
	-- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"As of right now the Centauri Republic stands alone."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"If something like this were going on, I would know about it!"
	-- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"In *war* these things happen. We are not at war. We do not strike first
 and we do not blow up cargo transports like pirates or barbarians."
	-- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"He said it's important."
"Tell me when it is ever *not* important. All right, please, just tell me
 when it is ever *not* important. Go ahead, go ahead, take your time,
 I can wait. Oh, no, that's right, I can't wait because it's important."
	-- Zack and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"You're being awfully cranky, Michael. You've been taking your vitamins?"
	-- Zack to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"Michael, this may be our only chance to avoid a shooting war. So that is
 why it is so important that you get that information to us as fast as you
 can so that we have time to get the White Stars in position."
"You can rely on me, I'll get it done."
	-- Sheridan & Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"Prime Minister, welcome back. I was hoping you'd return home,
 get out of the line of fire."
"Well, thank you, but I'd rather there wasn't a line of fire."
"Is that why you brought .. *it* along, to hear our terms?"
"No, he is still here as my bodyguard, that's all. Where I go, he goes."
	-- Minister and Londo in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"My condolences."
"Thank you. It's a burden, but I've come to accept it."
	-- Minister and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"He has diplomatic immunity."
"We're not diplomats."
	-- Franklin and Brakiri in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"That's enough. I said that's enough! Now, we gave you a promise. And we
 are bound by that promise. And damn you asking for it. And damn me for
 agreeing to it. And damn all of us to hell, because that is exactly where
 we're going. We talked about peace. You didn't want peace. We talked about
 co-operation. You didn't want co-operation. You want war. Is that it?
 You want a war? Well, you've got a war!"
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"I told you before: where I go, he goes. And where he goes, I go."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"What does the candle represent?"
"Whose life?"
"All life, every life. We're all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion
 stars, molecules that do not understand politics or policies or differences.
 Over a billion years, we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we
 came from. In desperate acts of ego, we give ourselves names, fight over
 lines on maps, and pretend that our light is better than everyone else's.
 The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that lives on inside us, the
 spark that tells us: you should know better. The flame also reminds us that
 life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it's gone forever.
 And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out
 tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"
"Personal journal, Captain Elizabeth Lochley, addendum. The Centauri war
 continues to spiral out of control. The threat of retaliation has already
 reached Babylon 5. Over a half dozen Centauri have been murdered in just
 the last three days."
	-- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"If this continues, we may have no choice but to quarantine the Centauri.
 We'll have to try and limit them to parts of the station where they won't
 run into anyone they're currently at war with. Unfortunately, that seems
 to be just about everyone right now. So, my options seem to be somewhat
	-- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"The Centauri have begun targeting enemy jumpgates."
"But--that's a violation of every rule of civilized warfare. Wars come and go,
 but the jumpgates have to go on. Otherwise the entire hyperspace beacon
 system falls apart. If that happens, it'll hurt them as much as anyone else."
	-- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Something's bothering you. What is it?"
"I need to ask you to do something I don't want to ask you to do."
"If it's about my wearing those little-- I appreciate the gift and I didn't
 say I wouldn't wear them, I just said that .. for me, from a Minbari
 perspective, I thought that it looked silly."
"No, it's--it doesn't have anything to do with that."
"[Sigh] Business then?"
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"If you run into trouble--"
"I'll walk out of it. More dignified that way."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"But don't take any unnecessary risks."
"People always say that. They want to find lives in which risk is
 unnecessary. There's only one problem with that: it's impossible."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"As you know, our ships have been in combat with .. well, just about
 everyone, really. Our biggest losses have been in the Drazi space. They
 are real good fighters. Not terrific conversationalists, and their table
 manners could make you go blind in one eye, but .. really tough behind the
 weapons consoles. But .. on the occasion that we've destroyed one of their
 ships, we have always returned their bodies to them. They have not done
 the same for us in return."
	-- Vir to Lyta & Franklin in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"I'm willing to go along and help out Stephen, we've worked well together in
 the past, but .. considering the risk involved I'm gonna have to ask for a
 slightly higher fee than usual."
"Well, all right, I can--"
"500,000 credits."
	-- Lyta to Vir in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Has she changed or is it me?"
"Oh, she's changed. Have you talked to Londo about this? Maybe he could ..
 pull some strings."
"The prime minister is otherwise engaged just now."
	-- Vir and Franklin in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"I still think you should leave, Mollari."
"No. I said where you go, I go. It's become a matter of principle."
"You picked a terrible moment in your social evolution to develop principles.
 Perhaps you could start with something simpler, the moral equivalent of an
 opposable thumb, for instance."
	-- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Who .. who are you? What do you want with me?"
"Yes. He will be sufficient."
	-- Londo and Drakh in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"You were having a nightmare."
"Yes, terrible."
	-- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"I have this feeling--something is terribly wrong."
"You are at war with everyone in the universe, perhaps you were
 thinking of that."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Who knew they could make such a .. stench .. Great Maker, I don't even
 want to thing about it. I couldn't stay there a moment longer. And the smell's
 not the worst of it, it was the *burning* in my eyes. I think my *buttons*
 are melting."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Anyway, if those are their tactics, what is the overall strategy? You can't
 just fight a war to fight a war and honk off your neighbors. There have
 to be definitive and to their minds achievable goals. Now what are they?
 What does it look like they might be? Are they moving toward anything?"
"Their strategy has not yet become clear."
"And this doesn't seem strange to you?"
	-- Sheridan and Kulomani in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"--if you turn that the other way, maybe you could--"
"Oh yeah, you're right."
"Why don't you just *ask* somebody?"
"No, no. I've got a map. Don't worry about that."
"What is it with you men?"
"Here we go."
"Are you sure you know where we're going?"
"Yes, it's the .. same hotel that .. Michael stayed at.
 Said the room service is good and the food is cheap and the staff is friendly."
"Meaning the food stinks, the rooms are small and the staff will knife
 you in the back when you're not looking."
"Exactly. All right, I think it's .. it's that way."
	-- Lyta and Franklin in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"We have no Centauri bodies here."
	-- Dr. Varia in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"I know this. I know what this is."
	-- Lyta in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"Hello, Mollari."
"I told you we would speak again before the end. I always try to keep my
 promises, especially to those who have been kind to me .. as you have been."
"It is no burden. Regent, I've been trying to see you for some time.
 Our ships--"
"Yes. .. I know."
"Then you gave the order."
"After a fashion. I have always tried to do the right thing, you *know*,
 when circumstances allowed."
"We all do, Regent."
"Yes. And now it is your time. Mine is almost over. I have to say, I'll be
 glad of it. I'm so tired of it all, Londo. I'm glad .. I won't live to see
 what follows."
"Why? What is going to follow?"
	-- Regent and Londo in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"What do you mean there weren't any crew aboard?"
"Garibaldi said that there were two seperate Centauri fleets engaged in the
 war: one defensive, one offensive, that no one in the Centauri military
 knew anything about the attacks, only that they were defending themselves
 against us. Now we know why."
	-- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"This is leftover Shadow technology, Mr. President. The Vorlons gave me
 information on them in case I ever ran across one, and I understand a few
 years ago one was found by the Psi Corps. It's an organic device used
 to control a ship from a long distance. You put two or three of these on
 board a starship and .. you don't even need a crew."
	-- Lyta to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"It's going to be a pretty night, the last one I will ever see."
"You shouldn't talk that way, Regent. You still have many years
 ahead of you. That's why it's important to recall the ships. We can still
 make peace."
"Oh, there will be peace, for a while. It never lasts, really. They said so.
 They said both things, actually. That there will be peace and that it won't
 last. They also said I would be dead by morning and that tomorrow .. you
 will be emperor. They said many, many things. Things I didn't want to hear.
 Things I didn't understand. And things I didn't *want* to understand."
"They? Who are *they*, Regent?"
"Oh, you will find out for yourself soon enough, Londo. You shouldn't rush
 your last *free* hours. And there was something else they told me .. to do.
 And I did it just a few moments before I came to see you. The last thing I
 will ever have to do for them. And in a way .. I'm glad it's over."
"What did they ask you to do?"
"To send away all the ships .. guarding Centauri Prime on a false emergency
 and turn off the planetary defense network."
"I think I'll stay .. and watch from here. The sky should be lighting up any
 time now. I imagine .. it will be .. quite beautiful."
	-- Regent and Londo in Babylon 5:"Movements of Fire and Shadow"
"They say the bombardment is moving away from the capital,
 into the outer areas. We should be safe for a time."
"Madness. Our people are dying by the thousands, tens of thousands!"
"Yes. They say--"
"Who says? Who are they? What are you talking about?"
"They! Say .. it's your time now, Londo."
	-- Regent and Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"They say: the Shadows were our masters. We served them, believed in them,
 loved them. Then they went away and left us behind to escape on our own.
 But without our masters .. who are we? In the end .. what are we but .."
"A shadow .. of a shadow. An echo of what was. Our home, Z'ha'dum, destroyed.
 We .. wandered. Then we remembered .. this place. We remembered .. *you*."
	-- Regent and Drakh to Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"You see, Londo, they learn quickly. They learned
 from the Shadows, and they learned from you."
	-- Regent to Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"No! Wait. Don't. What do you want of me?"
"What we want from you .. is you."
	-- Londo and Drakh in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"I don't have the authority."
"You will .. because I will be dead, and you *will* *be* Emperor.
 It's all very clean that way. Once I'm gone, you can blame me
 for anything you want. I won't mind .. really .. because I'll know ..
 you had no choice. No choice at all."
	-- Londo and Regent in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"I have been many things in my life, Mollari. I have been silly.
 I have been quiet when I should have spoken. I *have* been foolish.
 And I have wasted far too much time. But I am still Centauri ..
 and I am not afraid."
	-- Regent to Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Do you know how much time we have left on life support?"
"It's hard to say."
"Meaning you do not know, or .. you do not wish to say?"
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"I can't stay. I just wanted to see how you were."
"Better. I would be dead if not for you. You risked your life to save mine."
"Yes. You would have done the same."
"Yes, but I am a better person."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"In the months and the years to come, you may hear many strange things
 about me, my behavior. Well, they say the position .. changes you.
 And I just .. I .. I wanted to--"
"I understand."
"Perhaps. And perhaps you do not understand as much as you think. Pray ..
 that you never do, G'Kar. Pray .. that you never truly understand."
	-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Isn't it strange, G'Kar? When we first met, I had *no* power .. and all
 the choices I could ever want. And now I have all the power I could
 ever want .. and no choices at all. No choice .. at all."
	-- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Mollari .. understand .. that I can never forgive your people for what
 they did to my world. My people can never forgive your people. But *I*
 .. can forgive .. *you*."
	-- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Perhaps it's not so bad to go off the beacon. No one knows what's out
 there. Maybe we'll find a million-year-old jumpgate left behind by the
 First Ones. That would be amazing, wouldn't it, Lennier?"
"I would, of course, expect you to get it working in a timely fashion."
"I will do my best."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"I love you."
"I know."
	-- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Lennier, you said something a moment ago. I didn't actually hear it;
 the power monitor, you see--it was making a great deal of noise."
"Nothing. I said nothing."
"Well... at times of great stress, one can say things one did not intend to
 say--would never have said, under other circumstances. I don't think
 anyone should be held to that or asked to explain or... well... it's neither
 here nor there, as the humans say."
	-- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Lennier, look at me.
 Nothing happened.
 ... Except that, for a moment, I found myself feeling extremely
 complimented, and deeply honored, by your presence. By your friendship. "
	-- Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Have you seen the damage? We still don't have a count on all the
 dead and wounded. How am I supposed to live in the Royal Suite and
 look out at all of that?"
"You could always board up the windows."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Citizens of Centauri Prime. We have come through the long night of fire,
 pain, and death. We have been gravely wounded, but we remain Centauri.
 The Regent began the war with the Alliance, and *that* *war* is now over.
 The greater one, the war to rebuild our world and restore our place in the
 galaxy now begins. Sheridan and his Alliance have struck deeply at our
 people, exacting a terrible price in the lives of those who died during
 the night. Another great price must now be paid in the form of reparations
 which will come close to ruining our economy. They wish to teach us a
 lesson, to break us so that we will never again be a problem. This
 punishment is unfair, is a violation of our sovereign rights, but we *will*
 *bear* this burden as we have borne so many before. We are no longer a part
 of the Alliance. We are alone. We fought alone, and we will rebuild alone.
 We will work even harder to show those who have come to humiliate us that
 we will not bow down. As a symbol of our new isolationism, I will walk
 alone to my inauguration. I will take on the burden of Emperor in silence.
 The bells of our temples will sound all day and all night, once for each
 of our people killed in the bombings. We are alone, alone in the universe,
 but we are *united* in our pain. May the Great Maker be with you all."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Delenn, Mr. President, as my first official act, I am formally
 appointing Vir Cotto as ambassador to Babylon 5. I have every
 confidence that he will do .. at least as good a job as I did."
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"I find .. I can no longer see the road you're on, Londo.
 There's a darkness around you. I can only pray that in time,
 you may find your way out of it."
	-- Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"So why the long faces? Things are quiet, the attacks have
 stopped, and we won the Centauri War. What's the problem?"
"Yes, we won the war, but what did we lose?"
	-- Zack and Delenn in Babylon 5:"The Fall of Centauri Prime"
"Well, maybe Emperor Mollari will have more of a chance at
 happiness than Ambassador Mollari ever did."
"I doubt it."
	-- Lochley and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'm not angry with you. Not now. I was. .. But Delenn has a .. way of
 looking at things that..  No. No, I'm not angry with you. But I am very
 disappointed, Michael."
"I'd rather have you yelling at me or angry. Anything but disappointed.
 I know I failed.."
"I didn't say I was disappointed in you because of your failure. I'm
 disappointed because I didn't pick up on this earlier. Disappointed
 because you felt that you couldn't come to me about this on your own.
 When Stephen had his problem a couple of years ago, I didn't step forward
 and offer my help when I should have. And he damn near died trying to
 deal with his problem on his own. I have made a lot of mistakes, the same as
 everybody else. But I try not to make the same mistake twice."
	-- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"You have to understand that your problem is not between you and me,
 you and your job, or any of that. Your problem is between you .. and you."
	-- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Well, apparently your people believe that your presence on Centauri Prime
 allowed them to attack without retribution. You came through it alive,
 which they're considering another not-so-minor miracle, and you don't want
 the power. And people love giving power to those they believe don't want it."
	-- Franklin to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I've never understood that. Why does the universe
 give us puzzles with no answers?"
"Payback, maybe?"
	-- G'Kar and Franklin in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"See, the drinking gives a control freak like you permission
 to let it go, to be angry, to lash out, to lose it."
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"He stopped painting the day he enlisted. But he wanted to paint.
 He was good at it. And it was killing him not to .. one drink at
 a time. He didn't see any way out of his life, any way to change it.
 But the door's always there, Michael. You just have to open it."
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'm tired of being pushed around, Captain. I do not choose to be arrested.
 I've done a lot for this place .. and just once I think a little gratitude
 would be in order, don't you?"
"Lyta, don't force us to--"
"To what?"
	-- Lyta and Lochley in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"You cannot harm me. You cannot stop someone who's been touched by Vorlons."
"You're not the only one that's been touched by the Vorlons."
	-- Lyta and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"What .. part of my message did you get? We've been having trouble
 with the comm system, see, and--"
"The most important part. The part that said: 'I need you.'"
"And you came here just on that?"
"What more is there?"
	-- Garibaldi and Lise in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"What could make her turn like this?"
"Well, let's see. She was, .. adjusted by the Vorlons, dumped by the
 Vorlons, used as a weapon. Quit the Corps. Lost the only man she ever
 loved and dedicated herself to finishing his work. Pick one or all of
 the above and, let's face it, she's pissed."
	-- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"No, there's something more going on here. Something that pushed her over
 the edge. I mean, first Londo, then Garibaldi, and now this. I tell you,
 the next person who acts irrationally, I swear I'm gonna shoot myself
 in the head."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Well, then you may as well give up, because nobody gets it 100% right."
"I just want to give you a normal life."
"There is no 'normal life', Michael. There's just life."
	-- Lise and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Look, you have to understand she's a Minbari-Human hybrid.
 Things aren't gonna work the same."
"Wait. What are you talking about? What is wrong with her?"
"She's pregnant."
	-- Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"This is how I've come to be seen by my people. Despite my best efforts,
 I've become an icon. I didn't understand why or how until I saw this.
 I realized it's simpler to make a statue to someone who you believe
 embodies all your better qualities than it is to actually improve
"And this saves you from having to think."
"Exactly. For the last year, I've tried to point my people toward the
 simple truth that we are one, regardless of race. Somehow, that message
 has gotten twisted so that I have become their idea of the truth
 personified. Once you turn into this, you can no longer be who you are.
 You can only be what they want you to be, what they .. expect you to be."
	-- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Life is change. It's a good thing."
	-- Lise to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'll check back with you after two years. If you've done as I ask,
 if you've created a force I can use against the Corps .. I'll take
 out that neural block. Then you can deal with Bester. I'll deal with
 the Corps. We both get what we want."
	-- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Something's happened to your abilities. You're not a P5 anymore. Hell,
 you're not even a P12. You're the strongest telepath that I've ever seen.
 What'd the Vorlons do to you, Lyta? Who .. what are you?"
"I've only recently begun to understand it myself. You know the Vorlons
 used telepaths as weapons during the Shadow War, but what no one stopped
 to consider was that in a war, you have a certain number of small weapons,
 a certain number of medium-sized weapons .. and one or two big ones ..
 the kind of weapons you drop when you're .. out of small weapons
 and the medium weapons and you've got nothing left to use."
"Someone like that would .. be the telepathic equivalent of a thermonuclear
 .. device, a .. a doomsday weapon."
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Garibaldi."
	-- Garibaldi and Lyta in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Stop staring at me."
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."
"One would think you have never seen a pregnant half-human
 half-minbari before."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Hey, no problem. Just .. just a good thing I happened to be passing by.
 I would have kept my eye out for your name on the incoming transport,
 but, .. you never told me what it was."
	-- Theresa Halloran and Franklin in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"Hello, Lyta."
"Do you mind if I talk to you?"
"You'll forgive the accommodations."
"It's a cell. I've gotten used to them. Frankly, I've done some of my best
 writing in places like this. In here, you cannot run from yourself."
	-- G'Kar and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"It's ironic. Heh. *You* have to leave because *everybody* wants you.
 They're fighting over you. And I have to leave because *nobody* wants me."
"And yet we are the same in many ways. We are all the sum of our tears.
 Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there.
 Too much, the best of us is washed away. My rains have come and gone
 .. for now. Yours are just beginning."
	-- Lyta and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"Meanwhile, consider the walls around you. In a little while,
 we will leave these behind. Now you have to decide how many
 others you will bring with you when we leave."
	-- G'Kar to Lyta in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"I don't believe in random attacks. Maybe there's
 not an obvious reason, but there's always a reason."
	-- Zack to Franklin in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"How are things on Mars?"
"We've had nothing but trouble with Earth since we became independent.
 They're treating us as if we were still a colony. *Everything* has to
 go through Earth: supplies, money transfers, documents. They couldn't
 kill us with bullets, so they're drowning us in red tape. Frankly, I
 preferred the bullets. At least there I could shoot back."
"Well, that's the problem when you go from being a soldier to a politician.
 You have to sit and listen to people you would've shot six months earlier."
	-- Sheridan and Tessa Halloran in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"I'd rather not say yet. I need some more time to think it over,
 but I've had an idea, and you know how dangerous that can be."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"We put you in this position, G'Kar. Our reverence is our gift to you, and
 you *are* responsible to us. You *owe* us. Without us .. you are nothing."
"Then I am nothing. Good day."
	-- A Narn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us and part of
 us remains. Go anywhere in the station, when it is quiet, and just listen.
 After a while, you will hear the echoes of all our conversations, every
 thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we are gone .. our voices
 will linger in these walls for as long as this place remains. But I will
 admit .. that the part of me that is going .. will very much miss the part
 of you that is staying."
	-- G'Kar to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"But if you could have removed them at any time.."
"It made everybody feel safer. Besides, I think I
 kind of liked it after a while."
	-- G'Kar and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"I find I'm actually looking forward to seeing the universe with you
 alongside, Lyta. Perhaps we'll find something extraordinary. Perhaps
 something extraordinary will find us. Either way, it's going to be
 quite an adventure."
"I smell another book coming."
"What a wonderful idea."
	-- G'Kar and Lyta in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"Let me introduce you to the new head of intelligence for
 the Interstellar Alliance."
	-- Garibaldi and Halloran in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"Life is full of surprises."
"Tell me about it. I figured I'd come up here for a few days, exchange
 some information for an offer of support from Sheridan. Who knew I'd
 end up with a new job? The ironic part is that I'm in a better position
 now to help Mars than when I was there."
"Yeah, well, when this place was built, I think irony was one of the
 primary materials used in construction, like the .. irony of you coming
 here just when most of us, me included, are getting ready to leave."
	-- Franklin and Halloran in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"It occurs to me I have never walked the length of this place end to end."
"Well, Delenn, it's five miles long."
"I know. Coming?"
"Now is all we have."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Objects in Motion"
"Greetings, Ta'Lon. I am leaving this message for you because it appears
 I must leave Babylon 5 sooner than I had intended. I would have preferred
 to say this in person, but since I cannot, let me say it here. Now that I
 am gone, someone else must speak for our people. I would like for that
 person .. to be you. Knowing you as I do, Ta'Lon, I'm sure you're wondering,
 why you?"
"To say the least."
"Why should you be asked to take on the responsibility of speaking for our
 people? Why you might accept it is for you to decide. I can only tell you
 why I've offered it. I believe there is a time for enlightenment and a time
 for things to get done. I have become a distraction for our people. They
 require patience, direction, determination, and strength. I have provided
 a little of the first two. Now, you must provide the rest. You have always
 been sensible and level-headed, a rock that will never shift or break
 beneath the demands of our people. And you have been my friend. In my
 absence, we will need someone to focus on helping our world rebuild and
 strengthening ties with the Alliance. In order to serve our people here
 and at home, one must be both priest and warrior in equal measure. In
 recent months, I have become more priest than warrior. Perhaps now it
 is time for someone who is more warrior than priest. You may believe you
 are not ready, but you are as ready as I was when I first came to Babylon 5.
 Check the records, I think you'll be amused. When this message has finished,
 a copy will automatically be sent to Sheridan and the others. They will
 receive you as they would receive me. Good luck, Ta'Lon. Serve our people
 .. reasonably, fairly, and with honor. The rest will attend to itself."
	-- G'Kar recording and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"Some words have always come easier to me than the others. One of the most
 difficult words for me was 'goodbye'. There is no corresponding word for
 'goodbye' in Minbari. All our partings contain within them the possibility of
 meeting again, in other places, in other times, in other lives. So you will
 excuse me if I do not say goodbye. Our souls are a part of this place, our
 hopes, the foundation of our future.
 And we will pass this way again"
	-- Delenn in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"It's good to know that at least one of the old gang will be
 sticking around for a while."
"Who, me? Absolutely. Hell, I'll probably still be here
 when they turn off the lights."
"I don't doubt it."
	-- Sheridan and Zack in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"There are moments when we all become someone else, something other
 than what we are. It takes only a moment, but we spend the rest of
 our lives looking back at that moment in shame."
	-- Delenn in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"Another of the benefits of being emperor, or president, in your case,
 is not so much the people who are pleased to see you in office. It's
 the people who are *furious* that you're even alive, no less holding
 a position of power. Knowing that every day you succeed, they die
 a little more inside, makes the endeavor eminently satisfying."
	-- Emperor Mollari to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"When I heard that you were with child, and that you were finally returning
 here to stay, how could I not come and convey my personal good wishes?
 I would raise a toast to you, but .. there doesn't seem to be anything at
 hand. Mr. President, do you have a little brevari? Or perhaps some of
 that excellent Earth whiskey tucked away in a box somewhere, yes?"
	-- Londo to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"Now what?"
"Now we await the passage of years."
"We are very patient."
	-- Londo and Keeper/Drakh in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"I give you .. what little wisdom I have. Delenn .. is the greatest ally
 you will ever have. Her depths of courage and compassion are unmatched
 in my experience. Look to her .. for wisdom and fire in equal measure.
 And if you ever have any doubt .. talk to her. She will never judge you.
 She will only love you. From time to time, you will make mistakes.
 They're inevitable. Sometimes those mistakes will be .. huge. What
 matters is that you learn from them."
	-- Sheridan to David in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"At times, you may end up far away from home. You may not be sure
 of where you belong anymore. But home is always there. Because
 home is not a place. It's wherever your passion takes you."
	-- Sheridan to David in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"As you continue on your path, you will lose some friends, and gain new ones.
 The process is painful, but often necessary. They will change, and you
 will change, because life is change. From time to time, they must find
 their own way, and that way may not be yours. Enjoy them for what they are,
 and remember them for what they were."
	-- Sheridan to David in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"Fight .. for what you believe. Which brings me to the .. first piece
 of advice my dad ever gave me, and now I'm giving it to you. Never--"
"Never start a fight. But always finish it."
"Always finish it."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn to David in Babylon 5:"Objects at Rest"
"The Interstellar Alliance, based on the homeworld of the Minbari
 Federation was founded in the Earth year 2261, shortly after the
 end of the Shadow war, 20 years ago. Twenty years of history."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Sun's coming up."
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"She's Minbari. You know, sometimes, I look at her and I know exactly
 what she's thinking. Sometimes, .. she's a mystery to me."
	-- Sheridan to Franklin in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"You know, Londo never liked the Pak'ma'ra. I mean, they're stubborn,
 lazy, obnoxious, greedy--"
"They kinda look like an octopus that got run over by a truck."
"*That* too, but .. one day Londo and I were walking past their quarters
 .. and we heard them .. singing."
	-- Vir and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Singing? They can sing?"
"There's nothing about that in the literature."
"Apparently it's something they only do certain times of the year as part
 of their religious ceremonies. You may not believe this, but .. it was
 the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I couldn't make out the words,
 but I knew it was full of sadness and .. hope and wonder and a .. terrible
 .. sense of loss. I looked at Londo and -- this is the amazing part --
 there was a .. tear running down his face. I said: 'Londo, we should leave.
 I mean, this is upsetting you.' He just stood there and .. listened. And when
 it was over he turned to me and he said: 'There are 49 gods in our pantheon,
 Vir. To tell you the truth I never believed in any of them. But if only one
 of them exists, .. then god sings with that voice.' It's funny. After
 everything we have been through, all he did, .. I miss him."
	-- Sheridan, Franklin, Vir in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"A toast. To absent friends, in memory still bright."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"I want to feel space beneath me, one last time. It's where I belong,
 where I've always belonged. Besides, everything we've built here,
 with the Alliance, is .. has become .. half reality, half mythology.
 And if it all ends here like it ends anywhere else.. but if it ends
 out there .. they'll remember it."
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Good night, my love, the brightest star in my sky."
"Good night, you who are my sky, and my sun, and my moon."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"A quarter million people, coming and going every day for 25 years.
 Every part of this station has somebody's fingerprints on it.
 Layers and layers of people's lives."
	-- Zack to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"There were times .. I thought none of us would get out alive.
 Some of us didn't. But we did everything we said we were gonna
 do and nobody can take that away from us, or this place."
	-- Zack to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?
 Where are you going?"
"Did you think we had forgotten you? We have been waiting .. for you."
"Beyond the rim."
"There's .. so much I still don't understand."
"As it should be."
"Can I come back?"
"No. This journey is ended. Another begins. Time .. to rest now."
	-- Lorien and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Well, look at that. Sun's coming up."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"An expedition to Coriana space found Sheridan's ship a few days
 later, but they never found him. All the airlocks were sealed,
 but there was no trace of him inside. Some of the Minbari believe
 he'll come back someday, but I never saw him again in my lifetime."
	-- General Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. There would never be
 another. It changed the future .. and it changed us. It taught us that
 we have to create the future .. or others will do it for us. It showed
 us that we have to care for one another, because if we don't, who will?
 And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places.
 Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope .. that there can always be
 new beginnings .. even for people like us."
	-- General Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Every morning for as long as she lived, Delenn got up before dawn
 and watched the sun come up."
	-- General Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"And now, for those of you that have been archiving this ISN Special
 Documentary, the people responsible. Funding for this program was
 made possible by grants from the Anla-shok memorial fund."
	-- Voiceover in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
"Cryonic Suspension Chamber"
"Subject: MARCUS COLE"
"Designation: Ranger"
"Status: Deceased"
"Comments: Indefinite Hold"
"In the event of new resuscitation technology"
"Requested by: Cmdr. S. Ivanova"
	-- Cryo-unit in Babylon 5:"Sleeping in Light"
Last modified May 21, 2000